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County Approves Funding for Affordable Housing

Great news for New Smyrna Beach and Volusia County!

Many of us experienced first-hand the destruction Hurricane Ian caused to our homes, friends, neighborhoods, and communities. The tragic loss of the Live Oaks Homes public housing community displaced many low-income individuals and families. New Smyrna Beach was not the only Housing Authority affected, either. Collectively, nearly $20 million was lost by three of the county's Housing Authorities due to Hurricane Ian. This disaster only increased the extreme need for local affordable housing.

In response to this need, the county as approved the use of $10.4 million of Hurricane Ian recovery money for the construction of 280 affordable housing units. This is incredible news for the County and New Smyrna Beach. 

$3.6 million will be used to build 60 new affordable units right here in New Smyrna Beach where the old Live Oaks Homes community was before the storm. This new development will house many of the low and very low-income individuals and families in our area who are in need of stable, safe, and affordable housing.

For more information and to see the Daytona Beach News Journal article, click here.